The data on subnational trade competitiveness that we have been using in several of our publications are now available for download from the Harvard Dataverse at The data can also be consulted via our Shiny app at The companion paper is forthcoming with Scientific Data.
We are organizing a workshop on International Organizations Beyond IGOs at the University of Salzburg. This is a collaboration between the TRADEPOWER project and a Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant held by Markus Gastinger. The workshop programme can be found here.
Yannick Stiller (2022). "Why Do Legislators Rebel on Trade Agreements? The Effect of Constituencies' Economic Interests", European Political Science Review. [access]
Andreas Dür and Markus Gastinger (2022). "Spinning a global web of EU external relations: how the EU establishes stronger joint bodies where they matter most", Journal of European Public Policy. [access]
Yannick Stiller, Andreas Dür, and Robert A. Huber (2022). "Education and Trade Attitudes: Revisiting the Role of Economic Interest", World Trade Review. [access]
Andreas Dür and Christoph Mödlhamer (2022). "Power and Innovative Capacity: Explaining Variation in Intellectual Property Rights Regulation across Trade Agreements", International Interactions 48(1). [access]
Key findings from our survey with parliamentarians worldwide
(View Full Report)
We are presenting 5 papers at the ECPR General Conference 2020:
1. Andreas Dür & Markus Gastinger: Joint Bodies in Preferential Trade Agreements: Why are some stronger than others?
2. Andreas Dür, Robert Huber, Gemma Mateo & Gabriele Spilker: Institutional Design Matters: Explaining Interest Group Support for Trade Agreements
3. Markus Gastinger & Andreas Dür: Joint Bodies in International Agreements of the European Union: Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Delegation
4. Yannick Stiller: Bargaining Power in a Globalized World: The Effect of Global Value Chains in Trade Negotiations
5. Yannick Stiller, Andreas Dür & Robert Huber: Torn Over Trade: How Citizens Form Their Opinion Towards Trade Liberalization
NOTE: Postponed due to COVID-restrictions! Andreas Dür (University of Salzburg) and Manfred Elsig (World Trade Institute, Bern) are organizing a workshop on The Design and Effects of Trade Agreements at the University of Salzburg. This collaboration between our TRADEPOWER project and the DESTA project welcomes a group of international scholars to present and discuss their work.
Trade Negotiation Survey: Our key findings from nearly 700 organizations worldwide
(View Full Report)
The project is introduced in our University's 'Plus Report 2018' (View pdf)
We are presenting TRADEPOWER research at ECPR, APSA, and the PolText Conference.
We are hiring a PhD Student. Application deadline is 15 April 2018.
The project was featured in the Kronen Zeitung, Austria's largest daily.
The project will run from 1 July 2017 until 30 June 2022.
The project was featured in the Uni Nachrichten of the Salzburger Nachrichten.